- 1. Jakarta - Cikampek
- 2. Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated11
- 3. Palimanan - Kanci
- 4. Batang - Semarang
- 5. Semarang Seksi A,B,C
- 6. Semarang - Solo
- 7. Solo - Ngawi
- 8. Ngawi - Kertosono
- 9. Surabaya - Mojokerto
- 10. Surabaya - Gempol
- 11. Gempol - Pasuruan
- 12. Gempol - Pandaan
- 13. Pandaan - Malang
Jakarta - Cikampek
The Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is managed by Representative Office 1 and is a toll road connecting Jakarta City with Cikampek. This toll road is part of the Trans Java connectivity. The Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road began operating in 1988. This toll road is 72.5 km long. This section is integrated with the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road, Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR), Cikampek-Purwakarta-Padalarang Toll Road and Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Road.
Rest Area