Supporting the Integration of the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road Section and the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section, PT JSN Diverts Transactions at the Colomadu Toll Gate
19 September 2024

PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi
No. 014/2024
Dated September 19, 2024
Supporting the Integration of the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road Section and the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section, PT JSN Diverts Transactions at the Colomadu Toll Gate
Boyolali (19/09) - In connection with the inauguration of the Joga-Solo Toll Road Section 1 Kartasura-Klaten, PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi (JSN) as the manager of the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road Section has diverted transactions at the Colomadu Toll Gate (GT). This is done to support the integration of 2 toll road sections in Central Java, namely the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road Section and the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section managed by PT Jasamarga Joga Solo (JMJ).
Starting Friday, September 20, 2024 at 00.00 WIB, PT JSN will divert transactions at the Colomadu Toll Gate and move them to the Banyudono Toll Gate on the Jogja-Solo Toll Road, which is 2 km from the Colomadu Toll Gate. Toll road users who previously made transactions at the Colomadu Toll Gate are currently still charged the same rate when making transactions at the Banyudono Toll Gate.
As a simulation, a trip from Semarang to Kartasura for Class I vehicles via the Banyudono Toll Gate is charged a rate of IDR 93,000. Conversely, road users from Kartasura to Semarang only tap at the Banyudono Toll Gate.
Then for a trip from Surabaya to Kartasura for Class I vehicles via the Banyudono Toll Gate, a rate of IDR 322,000 is charged. Conversely, road users from Kartasura to Surabaya will also tap at the Banyudono Toll Gate.
The imposition of the toll rate is due to the absence of a Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) regarding the tariff for the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section.
Previously, PT JSN has operated 8 toll gates, including Colomadu Toll Gate, Adi Soemarmo Airport Toll Gate, Ngemplak Toll Gate, Gondangrejo Toll Gate, Karanganyar Toll Gate, Sragen Toll Gate, East Sragen Toll Gate, and Ngawi Toll Gate. After being connected to the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section, PT JSN only operates 7 toll gates by eliminating transaction operations at the Colomadu Toll Gate.
President Director of PT JSN Mery Natacha Panjaitan confirmed that there was a transfer of transactions from the Colomadu Toll Gate to the Banyudono Toll Gate after the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section was operated. "With the operation of the Jogja-Solo Toll Road Section, transaction services at the Colomadu Toll Gate have been eliminated, meaning that road users do not tap transactions at the Colomadu Toll Gate but are diverted to the Banyudono Toll Gate," explained Mery.
PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi as the manager of the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road Section has a length of 91.09 km which connects 2 Provinces, namely Central Java and East Java, is one of the toll roads integrated with the Trans Java toll network.
PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi appeals to all road users to anticipate the trip, ensure that the vehicle is in prime condition, has sufficient electronic money balance, refuel before starting the trip and obey traffic signs.
Jasa Marga Group toll road traffic information can be accessed through the 24-hour One Call Center at 14080 and the Travoy 4.3 application for iOS and Android users.
For further information, contact:
1. Mery Natacha Panjaitan
President Director
PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi
Ngemplak Toll Plaza, RT.06/RW.01
Sawahan, Kec. Ngemplak, Boyolali
Central Java 57375
2. Ria Marlinda Paallo
VP. Corporate Secretary and Legal
PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol
Jl. Teuku Umar, Sepanjang Jaya, Rawa Lumbu Bekasi – 17114